Musicians: Francis
Bréant: keyboards (1947)
Bernard Paganotti: bass, vocals (20/01 / 1950) Marc
Perru: guitar (25/11/1947- 25/09/2009
John Patrick: drums (1945?)
45 laps
-Town Music / Mister Magoo EGG P 641 001 1969
Cruciférius Mister Magoo
Big Bird / What did you do / Let 's try / A nice way of life
Gimme Some Loving / It's Got To Be a rule / Jungle child / Annabel Lee Group
French pop to the ephemeral glory of the period of the late sixties and early seventies. It is by plunging in my collection of Rock & Folk I could glean some information about this training worship. Originally named
Cruciférius Lobonz, the band was born from the meeting bassist Bernard Paganotti and drummer Christian Vander (who played together in various formations since 1966) with the organist and guitarist Francis Bréant Marc Perru. Cruciférius Lobonz interpreted so few compositions Wander already heavily inspired by Coltrane. Christian Vander
left the band in spring 1967 and was replaced by Patrick sticks to John who had been part of the King Set Jonaz Michel.
Beginning 1968, they accompanied as the Cruciférius any court of the wren t beat the French scene of the sixties Ronnie Bird. When Ronnie then stalled joins the cast of Hair, Cruciférius spend the summer in Concarneau hometown of Mark to work on their own repertoire.
We find their mark December 6, 1968, where they participate with a dozen formations, Devotions, Variations, We Three a monster blues beef held at the Golf Drouot presented by Serge Morali and sponsored by the music store Music Center .
month of January 1969, he recorded a 45 rpm first reference of the new subsidiary label EGG Barclay had just de fonder Franz Auffray.
« Music Town » / « Mister Magoo" EGG 641 001
« Music town » signée Redston/Wilde est un morceau pop de plus de six minutes qui comportent de belles envolées d’orgue et des soli de basse. L’histoire de « Mister Maggo » qui veut boire un coup de la face B (créditée Redstone) avec sa rythmique impeccable et son climat étrange peut être considéré comme un classique du genre !
En mai, ils enregistrent les titres de leur LP qui traînera longtemps dans les tiroirs de la firme avant d’être publié au début de l’année 1970 !
Le 14 mai, les Cruciféruis se produisent au Golf Drouot with Ansley Dunbar Retalis. Then in June, the training went on tour in Japan three months they made several television programs.
"The Mugen" (Club of Tokyo) in Japanese infinity ... We receive a hero's welcome worthy of the big stars. Japanese musicians in the studio even took us on several occasions, we give them advice "
(Francois Bréant About gathered by J. Barsamian Rock & Folk # 36 January 70)
Back in France, the group toured in the south west, then make the first part of Vanilla Fudge in a Musicorama at Olympia September 28, 1969.
On 21 October 1969, the agency Gaillard present his stable of personalities in showbiz Marcadet Theatre, there is, the Frogeaters, Vigon and Cruciférius
Cruciférius would be the group most interesting part of this first. There are four (org.g.bs.dms) play their own compositions, and are among those rare musicians who try to make something original (and it turns out that their music is quite the coup). The organist will of his organ to his vibraphone with the same happiness, the bassist is really trying to blow his strings and seems perpetually taken from leg cramps, still in turmoil, the guitarist has a thinness of good quality, and drummer strikes when necessary, nervous, but good. A good introduction, daring arrangements, a group to follow (Cruciféruis) has already recorded a single).
(Jacques Chabiron Rock & Folk # 35 12 / 1969)
few days later, they find themselves in the mud and fog of the small Belgian village of Amougies Franco-Belgian border which was the first major gathering repressed French pop organized by the label BYG and the monthly Current
They are scheduled during the day dedicated to French groups with, Alan Jack, His Soul, Gong, Zoo, Martin Circus ...
On 12 December 1969, they are in the festival of pop music from Blois to the side of Martin Circus, Alan Jack Civilization, and Triangle ACLAM We Free by 1500 Young fans of pop music during this frigid night
"The Cruciférius, which doubled in Versailles, opened fire, a little too strongly at the start: they sound really spitting flames. After a while, they réglèrent and their music will never look better. They ended with "Big Bird", a song in which the vibraphone was particularly highlighted ... "
(Jacques Folk Rock Barsamian year # 36)
December 17, Cruciférius, Alan Jack, Martin Circus, Vigon, Triangle, Magna Carta at the Golf Drouot are filmed by television for the new show "Hot Spot" Albert Raisner. The French television cameras are back January 7, 1970 again with Martin Circus and more Cruciférius Steamhamer and Canned Heat
We can also see a clip in the archives of INA
Who comes to the show Saturday and Company dated January 3, 1970 (Let's try "?)
At Midem in Cannes in February 1970, he met producer Robert Stigwood who offered to tour the USA. A project that will never see the day following the departure for Japan bassist Bernard Paganotti singer who pined for his girlfriend encountered during their summer tour in the land of the rising sun! Meanwhile
is published by EGG Album Original Pop Corn, one of the most insane projects of the late sixties which musicians collaborate Cruciférius
A disk made by Boss Egg with his friend Frank Auffray guitarist Sat Choueka with arranger Karl Heinz Schäffer and soulman home Moroccan Vigon colt from the stable Egg. The theme "Pop corn" (Pop Corn supposed to be the new dance craze launched by James Brown) is available in seven versions and funky psychedelic hacked with the technical means at the time. Original Pop Corn was published in 1969 under reference 940 EGG 15.
Original Pop Corn: Salted popcorn
finally their LP "A Nice Way of Life" was released in early 1970 with the reference 94011 EGG
An unusual recording with various influences , there is evidence of R & B legacy of a kind practiced by all groups in previous years, a mixture of jazz and psychedelic rock and progressive!
The LP starts with a surprising cover of "Big Bird" Eddie Floyd that he had engraved for Stax in 1968, a very dark version of prog pop with female vocals a bit superfluous. There is a second recovery disc, a rereading of "Gimme Some Lovin '" Spencer Davis Group's 1967 with a treatment at the Chicago Transit more in tune with the times. Cruciférius sign the rest of the six pieces that detach "What did you do" with haunting percussion. Using a little vibraphone instrument used in pop brings a twist on "Let's try".
"A nice piece of life" which gives its name to the album with its hypnotic groove pop a nicer room. "Jungle Child" has little taste for Santana.
The disc ends with "Annabel Lee" adapted from a poem by Edgar Allan Poe interpreted as an intense dialogue between Marc and Bernard Paganotti Perru who also writes music
At the Midem in Cannes in February 1970, he met producer Robert Stigwood who offered to tour the USA. A project that will never see the day following the departure for Japan bassist Bernard Paganotti singer who pined for his girlfriend encountered during their summer tour in the land of the rising sun
And while this group is promising ranked in fifth place French groups by readers of Rock & Folk in April 1970 after Martin Circus, Zoo, Triangle, Variations, they split the spring of 1970
Bréant Francis and Marc Perru then join Ergo Sum before forming Nemo who burns a great album Jazz rock with Sonopresse in 1973 and "Doin 'Nothin' (1974) also found their tracks on an LP of African Funk "Bad Child" (1974). Perru also participates in two solo albums of Francis Bréant "His optics" and "Voyeur Extra Lucid" at Egg in 1978/79
Bernard Paganotti will find Christian Vander and Jannick Top replaces it within Magma. He participated in the album "Live" 1975 "Udu Wudu" (1976) on which he composed the strange "Weidorje" a title which gave its name to the group he founded in 1976 after his departure from Magma. Patrick John Dennis Roussos accompanies a time before moving to Sweden where he teaches painting.
In Mademoiselle Age Tendre N ° 63 February 1970
Cruciférius: What did you go
pouch with original colors and national musicians drawn like the Beatles "Yellow Submarine". This is the first LP of this friendly and talented French band, four young men who had made an excellent impression by ensuring that more properly part of a Musicorama difficult yet one of Vanilla Fudge in September. Disc a little disappointing because they do not render faithfully Cruciférius live, even if recorded music is that which is meant, then, is to say, beautiful, subtle, it lacks the impact that has undeniably Cruciférius on stage. Another criticism is that no text has been written in French, while the music had every chance to live with it better than pretty, "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe's poem, mid - recited, half sung, would not have suffered an interpretation in our language, and some other texts either, probably. Worst "Big Bird" receives treatment likely to turn up the fans of E. Floyd / S. Cropper, but others will find this piece a bit long. Even more questionable ("manufactured") version of "Gimme Some Lovin '" played on the rhythm of "I'ma Man" by Chicago. Everything else is much better and sometimes borders on the very good ("What did you do") ("Jungle Child", the six compositions ultimately much higher than the adaptations. We hear a lot of nice piano solos few very sharp guitars, drums in place, but we must put up low to account for the quality of work done with this instrument. "Annabel Lee" at the beginning, borders on bad taste, but quickly becomes something quite exciting, that does not destroy the atmosphere of the poem, quite the contrary, the end is haunting wish. JC
Ouest-France / Bretagne / Concarneau / Archives Tuesday 25-08-2009
Disappearing musician Marc Perru - Concarneau
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Perru Marc was born on 25 November 1947 Loctudy. In the early sixties, he began his musical career as drummer Bagad Concarneau. With other young local musicians, Then he created his first band, the Jerries.Sa career took off in Paris and then in Japan, he played with groups Cruciférus and Nemo, and accompanied by famous singers and musicians: Alan Stivell, Dan Ar Bras, Mort Schuman, Sheila Renaud, Didier Lockwood or John McLaughlin. During his career he showed his talent as a guitarist and composer. Marc
Perru, sick, ended his days in Quimper. The funeral ceremony will be held at St-Alor to Ergué Armel. Marc Perrus will then be buried at Loctudy.
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