Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Can You Put Other Liquids In A Camelbak

What is NLP?

A little history ...

The NLP was invented in the 70's by two Americans, John Grinder and Richard Bandler . Their main questions was to understand how therapists were unusual for successful interventions extraordinary.
And above all: how to reproduce themselves.

From its origin, Neuro Linguistic Programming is pragmatic. We focus more on what works, rather than making a theory and explain.

A pragmatic approach
The founders of NLP that are discussed in detail and in depth how did three therapists who were unusual Milton H. Erickson, Virginia Satir and Fritz Perls.
They did not simply ask them how they were doing, but have analyzed every gesture, every word in order to discern the difference that makes the difference.

You can not find NLP great explanations on "why" things work or do not work. By cons, you will find " how" to do otherwise.
And then, as Richard Bandler says, "If something does not do anything else '.

This blog ... This blog is regularly updated with information, "tricks and tips, answers to questions that you ask. So take the time to ask questions, because a question not asked is a lost response.

you soon


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