Friday, July 30, 2010

Nadine Milena Lesbian

I am what I think ...

One of the (many) strengths of NLP is to question what is "known to be true", which is obvious to everyone, and yet ...

Have you ever believe you unable to do a certain thing, running to catch his train, climb a rock, speak in public ... and one day you do it anyway ...

What has changed? Maybe a little of what you know how, but probably especially what you think be able to do and the motivation to do (you certainly run faster to escape a hungry tiger than to go and kiss your boss!).

Our beliefs ...
Henry Ford, the famous U.S. automaker, said " There are people who say they can, others that they can not. In general, they are all correct. .

Several years ago I was telling myself stories as:
"I am not able to change professions,"
"I'm too old to learn this,"
"I do not know how, I do not know enough, I have to learn a little" ...

Come on, be realistic with yourself: who has never had such thoughts??

But what we think, what we believe, strongly determines what we actually perceive the world around us and our experiences. Our mental filter, our "GPS" will offer us not to see, hear and experience what confirms our beliefs .

... are just mental constructs ...
I just talk about the negative beliefs, we calls still limiting. There are just as positive beliefs, or resources, instead pushing us to action and to surpass themselves, to learn, to create ... We

adults, with all our years of experience, we know lot. And it's essential to be certain, life would be unbearable if we were to always question everything we were doing. That's the good side of beliefs: our lives easier. The

Neuro Linguistic Programming studied extensively beliefs. In fact, there is no real structural difference between a belief and a limiting belief rejuvenating. A belief is always a certainty demonstrated by numerous experiments.

But we have not always been like that. A baby or small child is absolutely certain to learn to walk, talk, play with objects. Just think about the incredible amount of news that he faces every day only to become independent one day!
One day, we believed in Santa Claus, the little mouse who seeks the tooth, the big bad wolf ... These beliefs gave us an explanation of the world, they were useful at some point of our existence. Where have they gone now?

... we can change!
A small simple example: You have obviously

at least once in your life lost your car keys (or wallet, purse, sunglasses, even the car itself in a parking lot ...).
If at this point, you repeat endlessly " impossible to find these keys, I'll never, I'm really too"#~^&... "It's a safe bet that you're now in a strong emotional state (fear, panic, anger or whatever).

The brain, with all its power, has determined that this you ask to become true and that you either do not find these keys, "No, it can not be there," and we do not seek "there" ...

While, just being relaxed, positive, " I can find my keys " by remaking the way mentally and / or physically since the last time, you are now in a positive mental state conducive to direct your mind to the solution (finally keys ...)

In Training NLP Master Practitioner you learn that even the most strong and deep beliefs, there are tools to transform what is believed to themselves, their possibilities, what we can learn ...
And then what happens can become magical because, being convinced to be capable of something, it actually becomes capable, and it actually does.

You Think You're now able to change beliefs?

Any team Generation Training, whatever the specialty of each knows that it is possible ...


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