So I said thank you and I took my ipod.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Hooking External Usb Hard Drive To Lg Tv
So I said thank you and I took my ipod.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Patricia Bath Husband

Natale guess your thoughts"
Serge Gainsbourg
You're speaking? English? Arabic? Before such an examination, I am speechless.
My native language is universal, for all newborns. Cooing, gurgling and bellowing. Then before the dazed natives - we later called "parents" - we say we will have to learn the local language if you want be understood.
It therefore begins by force of circumstance, to speak their dialect.
Then the circle grows: the parents become family, the community becomes family and the community becomes home.
In Lebanon, the national dialect, one that vibrates the Cedar and season Hummus within us, which is to our patriotic belly dancing to a tune of techno frenzied, is Arabic. Proud
like cocks, one is from Arabic. "What, you can not write in Arabic? "I hear myself say, the finger mustache and severe. With the air of an outraged Carmelite before the complete works of the Marquis de Sade.
Frankly, cushy, not what you the fart. The Arabs invaded thee, then you speak Arabic. If that were the Chinese, you piss me off in Chinese. And height of shame for the biped arrogant and racist as you are, you belch in Sri Lanka if Sri Lanka had imperial ambitions of extending to the home of your grandparents.
So you caused Arabic, adding a little to please the Turkish Ottomans. Then France has come to put his flag on your beach. Then you began to speak French. To do it well. Singer and your new masters.
But speaking French has served its time. And the Gauls returned home to build a bright future, full tax and RTT.
And fashion has changed.
Today it is more fashionable to speak English. The language of the Enlightenment no longer part of the recipe facing spotlights. Jacques Prevert replaced by Jack Bauer. Darwin, Chapter Arts, the strongest reason is often the stupidest.
We must put ourselves in tune with the new empire. French? Arabic? Today must be the iPhone.
I learned English for the sake of a fine. The beautiful part is, English remained. It has not always what we want.
But hey, do not spit in the soup. Able to read the words of Bukowski as he had typed on his old typewriter rotten, see Woody Allen without subtitles and laughter in the text with the Monty Python and Blackadder is a priceless gift.
"Ok, but your first language, what is it? "People like
categorize, label, it reassures them: first language, second language, third language if we have rich parents. Me, my bar code, it's been that I deleted. And considers all languages as languages materials.
If I could, I would have liked to speak them all. I would have liked to make love in Italian. Singing in English revolution. Yelled the speeders in Japanese. And understanding the secrets of the world with words Apaches.
But hey, I'm not so lucky. I'll just my personal trinity: English, Arabic and French.
I laugh in English, I shouted in Arabic, and I write in French.
And if I write it in French because of France. My France. Not the hexagon
tricolor Mitterrand and Sarkozy. Neither one of DSK, BHL or NTM. No. But the idea "France." That of the Declaration of Human Rights and the Citizen. That of Voltaire, Jaures and De Gaulle. Brassens, Baudelaire and Bertrand Blier. That which rolls on the tongue Michel Audiard.
The Commune, Louise Michel and the cherry season.
The Cyrano and Molière.
Molière, he's one. It is customary to say that the French language is that of Molière. Even the for-me for me formidable Charles Aznavour-sang. That will tell you.
But you who speak French, are you really the language of Molière?
Because the language of Molière denounces the ridiculous Gemstone that still haunt our cultural fairs. The Tartuffe, religious or political, that pollute our airwaves. The Bourgeois Gentleman, balloons imbeciles, unfortunately numerous progeny, who singing with heart and through the ages: "Marquise, love, your beautiful eyes make me die."
Are you really the language of Molière?
Finally, I write in French because it is in French you can read in the Edmond Rostand Cyrano these few words:
"- If you let your soul a bit of a musketeer, Fortune
and glory ... - And what should he do? Seek a protector, to a boss, and as dark ivy which circumvents a trunk and it is a guardian by licking the bark? No thank you. "
In many fine words indeed.
Published in "Health Beauty" - January 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Make Short Dress Poofy
At that time, I do not know NLP, alas ... and a good coaching would welcome ...
I now know that NLP and in particular the meta-model would have avoided many pitfalls and we would have saved a lot of time and energy.
How? Follow me if you want to know a little more ...
The meta-model
The meta-model is an invention of the founders of NLP, John Grinder and Richard Bandler. By observing the communication experts it models, they found a set of linguistic formulations that were particularly effective to understand or resolve situations. By analyzing
finely exchanges between therapist and client, they have isolated 12 types of "anomalies" in our everyday language. They classified these 12 forms in 3 categories we'll discuss here.
What is meta-model?
Literally, the term "meta-model" means "model of the model.
Human language is a model reality. The word "table" is not a table, nor the word "pipe" is a pipe to paraphrase Rene Magritte.
We use each time a model to represent reality, and this model is called the English, French, German etc ... brief language.
The meta-model is a model of the model, ie the language. It allows you to structure our understanding of words and phrases.
Why use meta-model?
The meta-model allows a priori, without question, without providing his own solutions (his world map, we say in NLP) and allow the caller to find its own solutions.
It also allows us to clarify situations of conflict, or simply blocking ("we must not ..."," it is impossible to ...", "Our customers know that ...").
The watchword of the meta-model is curiosity!
The three main categories of meta-model
Bandler and Grinder have ranked the 12 structures that were discovered in three categories. We call these structures violations of the meta-model.
When we say phrases like "the customer is informed," or "I am struck by ...", we omissions. There is something missing in the sentence so that the information is complete.
"Informed of what?", "how to hit? by a punch? stupor? astonishment? "
Generalizations are, for example" we must send the order until Monday "or" This model is appropriate to any customer.
From a single example, a single experiment (if any ...) we can construct a belief that a fact is true in all cases. Perhaps it is the truth, but it is often useful to ask the right questions to be sure or otherwise find different routes.
"And what happens if the control point after Monday, or not starting?", "Is there really ever any customers for this model?"
Note that racism, sexism, ageism, and other "isms" are generalizations ("all young people are ..."," men ...", etc.)
We may also change our perception of reality to make it fit into our world model.
If I say, for example, "Mr. Doe did not pay me, is a crook," I distorts reality. Maybe he did not pay because he is on leave, or he paid but the check is in the stack on my desk! In summary
Without going into detail we shall have occasion to see later, say in conclusion that the meta-model is a powerful linguistic tool. Its power is used in the professional, interpersonal, conflict management, coaching in ... short, wherever we use language ...
Another name for the meta-model is "the model of precision," because it allows us to find the accuracy that has been lost between the idea that real, deep and nonverbal our minds and what we actually say.
Unlike many useful techniques, I would not say "in use without moderation." Quite the contrary.
When we speak, we are still violations of the meta-model. And by writing that "always," I myself am a generalization.
It is very difficult to construct sentences being totally accurate. It is both difficult, painful, boring ... Brief unlivable.
Then the meta-model: to good use ...
For those who want to learn to master it: come see us.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Momsanaladventure Episode: Boobies

Hardly had the curtain dropped on the third annual World Festival of Negro Arts (Fesman) Senegal, that people want more. Given the gap between the previous edition (36 years) and that of 2010, especially the large investment it has received, it is clear that the next communion is not for years to come.
tides, President Abdoulaye Wade had wanted to make this gift to his people that the island of Cape Verde (geographically well located) had expressed willingness to host it. The least we can say it is far from being a failure. The whole country of Teranga, through festivals labeled, vibrated for 21 days. Concerts, exhibitions, performances, film screenings, lectures, workshops, literary cafes ... have allowed people to have an idea about the vast cultural heritage that has made the continent and around the world. All African art scattered throughout the world have made an appointment. From Haiti, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Caribbean, Cuba, the United States, Europe, Asia, Oceania and especially across Africa, the creators have made the continent the cradle of artistic creations. The great success of this Fesman 3 has been its impact in the diaspora. The reunion of Africa''World''on the celebration of his blackness and his African. Homecoming more remarkable African reality that she discovered, was broken with the media image of black Africa. Marginalized at best, ghettoized, stigmatized the African diaspora have enthusiastically discovered the vitality of Senegal. Also, Senegal has demonstrated an ability to organize an event of exceptional size (45 countries represented, including 10 delegations headed by Ministers, 1600 guest artists) whose place has been intellectual and cultural life at the height of the ads . For participants, there was a genuine desire on their part to go further, beyond words to action. What about this groundbreaking exhibition in collaboration with the French agency Mondomix, the House of Culture Douta Seck Dakar has revisited the history of black music world? This huge stage room Obelisk worthy of a concert of Michael Jackson? The Senegalese opposition will wield great argument squandering of national resources to organize such a celebration. Nobody can deny Fesman 3 has given greater visibility in international countries Téranga'',''became the capital of the''African Renaissance''main theme of this edition.
Sanou A. with the diplomatic letter
How Does The Cervix Feel Before Period
You are now in Ivory Coast as part of the ceremony for literary award French-speaking. What is the usefulness of such a prize for Africa?
Everyone has dreamed Akwaba and culture has produced. From the moment she stands in Côte d'Ivoire, the African land, it belongs to the whole continent. We are all proud to be invited to this third edition. Three editions, this means that the price is still very young. So there are many obstacles that will continue to stand in the way, but should be anticipated. Do not say it is a price to restrict the African part of Africa. Even case of the French language, do not forget North Africa. We have this annoying tendency to forget our brothers in the northern part of the continent. As I see it happen, I am particularly optimistic.
Do you think it is appropriate to have such a price in Africa and what may be its scope globally?
Ah yes. As I said, everyone has dreamed of and this is achieved in Côte d'Ivoire, a country which also reaffirms its mission of space for creativity. There are many new things that come from that country. But it is up to the media, the sponsors, organizers, publishers, booksellers and the general public to get started so that the price is necessary. All prices we are talking about today, including the biggest of them the Nobel Prize for literature, when this has started, it was not as big as that.
Do you think everything has been done to sustain this price?
I usually travel, after all, I think so.
Among the authors selected, which ones do you enjoy?
There are two authors I know, shortlisted. One is Senegalese, Nafissatou Dia Diouf, who has many talents. I'm glad the jury is selected. And a very good friend of mine, a great name in literature Ivorian Veronica Tadjo. But I do not know who will be the winner.
What goal are you looking through the writing of a book?
I am originally novelist. When is a novelist, initially, the idea is to say, it was once. And continue. That is to say, we wants to tell a story. He passed this and pass it. It ended well or badly. Gradually, of course, we arrive at what we are looking. Because a writing career must be understood in its evolution. Because, as and when the public pulls us. He said, is to tell you stories,''he once was.'' But what do you say what is happening around you: injustice, corruption, poverty, the various political problems that Africa has its share but it has no exclusivity. Well, we start talking about it. Once it gets started, as you put your finger, the whole hand that hand, then the whole body and then we end up with the label and the habit of a writer engaged. But initially it's very innocent.
What should today's engagement in Africa do you think?
engagement in Africa is that Africa is a part of the world like the others. My struggle, contrary to what we are trying to make us believe that Africa's problems are not simple, they are very complexity, is to understand that Africa has no monopoly of evil. So, I'm against Afro-pessimism that is to say Africa is fucked always and forever. But at the same time, I refuse the trap of saying, oh Africa is wonderful. To think that we were there under our palaver tree, sipping our wine palm and tell our stories, when the others came we beat them, we divide, we dispose of, etc..
You said two things at once?
What I'm saying is Africa beyond good and evil. One Africa, normal part of the world where there are as well as evil. Where political phenomena are related to mechanisms readable, we can analyze, understand. Basically, the important thing is decomplex Africans. They stop looking for their belly button is it disgust or praise him. Today, no head of state in the world kills as many as a journalist in the world as Vladimir Putin, and yet we do not say that Europe, which belongs Putin is a continent where you spend the time to murder journalists. No head of state in the world behaves in a manner so unworthy that Berlusconi has relations with minors and who brags. If it was an African leader who had, he would have been criticized. I call for a lucid, thoughtful, reasoned the continent's problems. Countries must be judged by performance and not put everyone into the same bag.
The act of writing in African languages as you do today in Wolof, he bears fruit in your opinion?
Yes, it works much better than previously believed. We are in an economy the book. Books published in Wolof flow more quickly than those published in French. The reason is that in Senegal, publications in languages that are read in the countryside. The newspapers do not. The first difficulty is that when I write in French, I can be read by everyone, but for the short term. The normal process in all the literatures of the world is to write in their language and then translate. We must have this in mind. We can not say that because the language is spoken only in the country, we can not write in language. You know, the only Greek is spoken in Greece, however, the writers of this country write in Greek. And you can be''strangled''if you ask a Greek author writing in another language. It is the same for Italy and many other countries.
What can you price the book?
In a country where Smig is around 40,000 CFA francs, it is difficult to buy a book which costs 20,000 CFA francs. Beyond price, the value added of African works which are published in Europe is a loss for African economies. That is to say that these publications are live Thousands of people on this continent to the detriment of Africans.
What are your views on the new generation of writers?
You know, there is a correlation between the state's school system, language proficiency and mastery of the literature. But the school system is collapsing everywhere. It still has an impact on the work of academics. The level of writing is very low. The real issue is not that of literature itself but rather the education of languages that serve as a fulcrum to literature. It really is at its lowest level and it shows in production.
What suggestions do you overcome that?
We only make findings and that is what we write.
Interview by Amadou Sanou / 07681172
Milena Own Milk Velba
Poet from Cameroon, Paul Dakeyo was the guest of honor Akwaba Culture for the award Ivoire for Francophone African literature. Between commitment and struggle for his people''live and dream of light,''he is an advocate of the book industry in Africa.
Do you think it is important now that Africa has other literary prizes?
Yes. To the extent that we had the Grand Prix of black Africa, the President's Award of the Republic to Senegal and here and there, some unknown price. In establishing the Prize Ivoire Akwaba culture is given the chance to authors of the continent to participate in their hatching. It is a means of promoting books and African literature in Africa and beyond Africa.
In time African poet, what do you look today in your texts?
I started writing in high school like any African. I could publish when I was at university in Paris. I write today to say Africa altogether. To say what happens to sing love to boast of friendship, singing fraternity. It is the goal of writing for me.
What is the role of writing in Africa?
words continent. What continent is not left lagging behind other continents. It changes how the world works like any other. If there is democracy and development in others, there is no reason why there is not here. If a French publisher is able to do a book, there is no reason that in Africa we are not able to do the same in the same graphic quality. The writer must have a word that is involved in educating the people. He expressed the economy, the imagination of African people. It transmits the contemporary world today what he knows, what he has learned what is ours.
Are you listening to by African leaders?
Certainly not. Because I have a few people I worked with when they were in opposition. And now they are in business, there is a bifurcation. I'm waiting for a head of state say: we must support the publishing house. I expect not give me a check. That takes into account the work being done. Tell me, for example, a play by Wole Soyinka, Nobel Prize in Literature 1986, setting the curriculum. It would be an important support for the survival of the publisher.
Finally, do not you think that what Africans away from the book is the question of language? Do we not sign long term, to write in our language?
In Cameroon in the years of independence, there were lessons in language local region. I who am Bamileke, I was in the coastal countries in Douala. I learned to count and combine in Douala. Unfortunately, the experiment did not last. Is political will. This is not the people who must impose it. When you go to a public school, the program is not established by the parents, but by the government.
What is your literary news and what do you specifically for the book in Africa?
I wrote about Soweto in 1976, published in 1977. I have written other texts in love. I hired a component, a component of personal, autobiographical. I am especially in publishing. I have a project for the creation of a large publisher with Pan-African broadcasting opportunities. I practice a policy of selling books at discounted prices for Africa. I installed a publishing house in Dakar. It is a struggle. We can not conduct other than home. I did put the price of all the big books of authors Senegal to 5,000 CFA francs.
What advice do you give for a better dissemination of the book in Africa?
There was, in Africa, African cultural centers. All these centers have disappeared. The only places where we can go recharge is the inevitable French cultural center. We must have our places where we can find our productions.
What are your views on literature with rose water, which invaded the continent?
is a matter of education and intellectual. Each produces what he wants. Me, I'll write about what I see, what I saw, what I want to live. But I will not write about the rain and time. The book is a product like a sardine. So if we can sell this literature rose water, why not (why not).
Interview by Sanou A.
Foliculitis (fotos E Imagenes)

"The role of contemporary art in Africa and the world: the role of local structures. This theme met last Tuesday, artists, art critics and art professionals at the Charles Donwahi, the Deux Plateaux. A heated debate allowed each other to have a clear the role each must play in the emergence of a truly national art and African.
define the outline of a polysemic term understood and interpreted differently by the creators. Contemporary art. That's what it is, it was not easy to elucidate, on Tuesday in the Charles Donwahi to Cocody Deux Plateaux. According to Webster's is contemporary which is the same time, which is our time. Contemporary art, so to speak, is apprehended as a whole works time and a place.
Contemporary art by artists and professionals
Professor Yacouba Konate, gallery owner and art critic, president of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA), noted the subjective nature of the notion. For him, it is the size of a work which it is contemporary or not. That is to say what they watch and how to show it. "Often, just a staging for a work that is traditional or contemporary. There is the side of the stage design. What matters is not the convenient nature of the thing, but it is the ability to go as far as possible with his own creative power, "he said. In sum, a freedom given to artists who can combine sculpture, paintings, photos, videos or what they want. In the same vein, Simon Njami, curator and art critic international special guest, instead of defining contemporary art, and focused instead on a contemporary artist says. "A contemporary artist is one with whom I can have a drink after exposure," he simplified. But did he questioned, what is it that something is being done now is it today? At this level, he thinks that the sensitivity which emerges to face such a work, will play for many. "There may be people who were born the same year as me. Which are the same age as me, but that I do not contemporaries. Beyond semantics, the contemporary is something that speaks to me. This can be a sculpture, painting or installation, "he clarified. Faced with so many freedoms offered by the concept, the public has raised points of shadow. If the notion of contemporary art is so subjective, how is the selection works for exhibitions around the world and other biennials. Clearly, that recognizes that? Who does what? How should he enter the mold to be recognized as a contemporary designer? At this level, the answer may seem arbitrary, however, is clear. "There is no kind of objectivity in my choices," said Mr. Njami, curator. He said the special collections is that each commissioner is free to look for works that he feels. "There are many ways of seeing. There is not one that is better than the other. Often we do like that sound. This is not because something makes noise it is better than others, "he said. Hence the role that should have structures to promote art in existence. "We need people here know what is happening here. Doing so would be a good fight. Because it is much better armed if one defines oneself as if one was defined by someone else. " Calix Angama, promotion director at the Ministry of Culture and Francophonie has guided his thinking on the need for synergies between structures and actors in the local system.
A museum of art Contemporary
The issue of building a museum of contemporary art, however, returned. For the director of the Rotunda of Contemporary Arts, Yacouba Konate, a museum or institution of another shape may be a memory for our children. Because he was convinced that we must fill our mental space of personalities that made the heyday of the art home. In the sense that an artist does not only by what he does. But also by his status. "The Ivorians must be ashamed that there are no incentive structures in place. Without support, we can not organize anything. In about art, we are not recent, has pestered Augustine Kassi artist. He denounced the inertia of the ministry. Making his contribution, Eric Agnéro journalist, said that the issue of aid to art remains on hold because those who run state agencies, responsible for the promotion of art, have not been educated in the sense . "A minister or a leader who has spent his life without seeing a show, without drawing at school, can not appreciate a work of art," he thinks. To him, we must introduce art into the habits of people "Art is trade. As such, the creation of a socio-political framework conducive to business should be put in place. " A tax exemption for purchases of works of art would be a contribution to the promotion of local creations and an element of attraction for foreign buyers, he said, going in the same straight line that the photographer Franck Fanny. In sum, the debate was lively and varied. He has to know what the creators believe how African and what they share. A forum that has fostered a convergence of views. "We must stop complaining and arrange to bring people home. The instances are there, they have to be anime. We must get together for Africa to move, "said Simon Njami.
Sanou A .