Hardly had the curtain dropped on the third annual World Festival of Negro Arts (Fesman) Senegal, that people want more. Given the gap between the previous edition (36 years) and that of 2010, especially the large investment it has received, it is clear that the next communion is not for years to come.
tides, President Abdoulaye Wade had wanted to make this gift to his people that the island of Cape Verde (geographically well located) had expressed willingness to host it. The least we can say it is far from being a failure. The whole country of Teranga, through festivals labeled, vibrated for 21 days. Concerts, exhibitions, performances, film screenings, lectures, workshops, literary cafes ... have allowed people to have an idea about the vast cultural heritage that has made the continent and around the world. All African art scattered throughout the world have made an appointment. From Haiti, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Caribbean, Cuba, the United States, Europe, Asia, Oceania and especially across Africa, the creators have made the continent the cradle of artistic creations. The great success of this Fesman 3 has been its impact in the diaspora. The reunion of Africa''World''on the celebration of his blackness and his African. Homecoming more remarkable African reality that she discovered, was broken with the media image of black Africa. Marginalized at best, ghettoized, stigmatized the African diaspora have enthusiastically discovered the vitality of Senegal. Also, Senegal has demonstrated an ability to organize an event of exceptional size (45 countries represented, including 10 delegations headed by Ministers, 1600 guest artists) whose place has been intellectual and cultural life at the height of the ads . For participants, there was a genuine desire on their part to go further, beyond words to action. What about this groundbreaking exhibition in collaboration with the French agency Mondomix, the House of Culture Douta Seck Dakar has revisited the history of black music world? This huge stage room Obelisk worthy of a concert of Michael Jackson? The Senegalese opposition will wield great argument squandering of national resources to organize such a celebration. Nobody can deny Fesman 3 has given greater visibility in international countries Téranga'',''became the capital of the''African Renaissance''main theme of this edition.
Sanou A. with the diplomatic letter
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