ROCKERS Riviera 1972
1972, ten years after the glory days of rock & roll French, Albert and his band poliorcetics relive those carefree years with the rock opera "Dark rockers" in tribute to Gene Vincent and the French pioneers of the genre. At the base of this adventure, a key to any great, a strange bird Marseille Jo Raven (George Ohanessian -01/12/1946) A fan of Gene Vincent who spent his youth in Marseilles formed his first rock band Little Eddy and the Sexton's influenced by the first French rock Hector idiot. He then joined the Fine Arts where he created a band that will host the Rolling Stones when they arrive at the airport in Marseille. In 1968, with fifteen of his classmates, he went to Paris to attend the fine arts of the capital. During the summer of 1968, his band occurs at Avignon he met the pioneer Jean Jacques Lebel's happening, we see also in Saint Tropez on the side of Soft Machine. In the early 70s, Jo becomes Albert (tribute to free jazz clarinetist Albert Ayer, which occurred in 1969 in Saint Paul de Vence and had even Jamer with his band) while the band takes the name of "fanfare poliorcetics" (Greek poliorkêtikos; art of besieging cities!) In parallel the band turns into Jackals Bethune with singer Rocky Gonzales during the group's French rock and roll revival of the U.S. Sha Na Na who deride the idea more and more prevalent at the time that rock & roll was death. Jo, who made drawings for Hot Jazz meets there Francard Dominique Blanc, who offered him to play with his band at the "Biennale de Paris." Jo and the gang go up when "The Curse of rockers." Their happenings which depicts the resurrection of rock & roll is received by the public as the first rock opera in France. Eddie Barclay them signs a contract with Jean Fernandez (who looked at the time of the Black Socks). The musicos wearing clothes of the Jackals rockers go to the famous studio recording their album Hérouville led by Dominique Blanc Francard. This could be the perfect accomplice in this adventure has itself participated in the early French rock as bassist of the Penguins. This excellent and exciting format that saves Seeking of Coasters, saw his career ruined by incorporating the colors of their singer Vincent Thiery. For the anecdote Au Bonheur des Dames which appeared at the same time that the band took a carton with Oh girls was a resumption of the Penguins recorded Hérouville with DBF and Thierry Vincent. The album Albert and his band present "The Curse of the rockers is published during the year 1972 on the Riviera label reference 521194.

The opera is composed of 12 pieces connected by wacky gags in the tradition of radio drama from the fifties Signed Furax! The 33 towers is chronicled by Alain Dister discs out in item No. 68 of the stars of Rock & Folk dated September 1972; Dister written with a touch of nostalgia
: "... In 1960, we believed all ... Because it was new for us ... And we had nothing else to do but try to take our foot before the inevitable call-up, complete rupture, the annihilation of an entire generation in djebels. The rock was all that remained to us. The only thing that was a little nose at adults ... Many of you have not seen this, have not lived, as they can live demonstrations of today's students, or pop concerts. They will discover that time, remember that the rockers with a hint of emotion, and will not fail to remark with a sigh "Rock and roll is here to stay". The Best
competitor chronically particular enthusiasm disk in N ° 52 December 1972. Let us now
this magical cake to the plate: The disc starts with the fanfare and Albert crying: Come
ladies and gentlemen! Come back into the forgotten world of lost dreams ... relive the greatest moments of your youth! The purity of the recovered rock glitter brighten your heads! Come twister with Jackals Bethune ...
Before Braille yoghurt old classic Little Richard Long Tall Sally . Follows the tribute to Black Socks with Eddie be good and unforgettable Typist rock. It then moves with feral cats with the resumption of the ballad that juvenile Dick sang from the top of its 16 years is not serious. The composition of Don Covay Hey Pony for twistor Chubby Checker is part of the heritage of French rock and roll, it appears on the menu for Johnny, Chats and socks with Bethune resumed the Jackals "bouguidi cabbage. The first face that ends with some good guitar riffs on The devil himself I think the only song sung Ghosts resumption of the best rock & roll in the history of British rock, the famous Shakin 'all over the false squint Johnny Kidd and the Pirates at home and popularized by his compatriot and idol of the delinquents Mister Vince Taylor.
The devil himself
At the beginning of Act 2 (side B) the spectrum of Gene Vincent, dressed in black leather Rocky Gonzales murdered singer with a promising future ... Jackals and enslave with 1 minute 56 of a C'mon everybody Cochran still yogurt. Between gags is a tribute to Gégène with Baby Blues he played in a masterly manner in the film Hot Rod Gang in 1958, a title that popularized without socks credited as Betty and they naturally interpret the anthem of the god Leather Be bob a lula. The path to paradise am is an original, a true ode to Gene Vincent disappeared the year before 12 October 1971 on a tempo range
You Engineering
as you went past the Messiah You
great genius you left
sing other songs ...
And Heaven thy golden chain
thousand lights shining iridescent
so it seems
an evening star ...
You take the paths of heaven / you'll find your friends and Cochran Buddy Holly / you the greatest Gene Vincent ... In the next furrow, Rocky comes "They call me Rocky Gonzales, my real name is Jean Claude Fage (?) My profession rockers. I especially like the Cats, the serials on television and radio as well, adventure films. I have a car, moped and good. I chew chewing gum in particular during the surprise party. My biggest idol is Gene Vincent, and my biggest regret is not seeing him during his visit to Paris because I was in prison for stealing fridge, I had also not committed. There is no reprieve for rockers! "
The disc ends brilliantly with the composition of Jo signed under his real name disillusioned J but brilliant had it 20 years, I believed which tells the tale of a rock singer interspersed with strings of blue suede shoe s.
I was 20 at the end a voice announces big attention in thirty seconds is to destroy the sound recording itself! and found the band a Latin rhythm with Albert, who thanked the Grand Magic Circus, and all black jackets of the Bastille (hello to Mosquito) and the Batignolles we have protected against the wave of mythical yéyé ... This disc is also published as a 25 cm Barclay redacted opening of Barnum with photo Jackals in a pose to the Socks Black on pink salmon, which recognizes a Fred Chichin. The curse Rockers didn't enjoyed success earned while "Twist" the group Au Bonheur des Dames takes all the same slot two years later!
On November 4, 1972 Albert and his band are guests of the show presented by Dominique Blanc Pop2 Francard. The first few minutes are devoted to the band whose members dressed as clowns are happening in the street, there the magician Abdul Alazhred, brothers Bolotof, the fire-eater who fight the Seminole Indian hidden son of Sitting Bull and Farah Diba!. Albert made a number by lifting a chair with his teeth, delirium complete. In the following interview Albert (Rocky) Dario Moreno cites as his favorite rocker, then we see onstage interpreted Beethoven Repose Eddy Mitchell and another member sang Be Bop A Lula (visible in the archives of the INA, Albert and his band type poliorcetics). At the time his band is very militant present in many protests, but the leaves Albert to recharge in India. It is found in the late 70's with a new Elvis Platinum group that makes up the soundtrack of the movie "Fucking rock and roll" in 1979 with Phone, Little Bob, and GANAFOUL including DVD just released recently. Since the 80 Jo Raven aka Albert aka Rocky Gonzales is dedicated to another genre of reggae. RESPECT!

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The great albert and his evil band News No. 26 December 1972
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