Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Good Standing Letter Sample

Paris is not too romantic

type that's a bit romantic (Photo Mathilde Salmon)

This weekend I went to eat a sausage strange s' Lionnaire called and that only grows in Germany so that it was exclusive you can not miss with my girlfriend Laura B.

(Apart: Laura B. makes beautiful wall stickers that make it more your kids smarter so if you're good parents, you go to the site Lobuki and you order it you will not hurt).

At one point on the path past a window where there was this:

that's not too too romantic

Hey you Well, I too laughed.

"Aha I told my husband , there are some who suspect anything so say hey! As if we would beg our pink, and why not ask him to note for that matter I bear no such process unworthy of Women! People woman get up and take the stones in your hands and throw them at random after life! "

Nan Just kidding actually I've been knocking at the window and giggling like an old turkey and watching my HUSBAND like" wait wait we'll see who's the best "

I waited.

Plus I knew very well that there was someone that saw the window was open and above (index) THERE WAS THE NOISE.

I'm still not more stupid than another, so, I started yelling for someone Hého it rose and after 5 minutes (at least!) Is a type who opened the window.

He looked at me.

(I mark the pause required.)

And he said: "Nah, but in fact it is not there today that gives roses. "

You think that I have absolutely missed the implied treacherous.

I said "Oh but you know when he returns? "


As my physiotherapist said: " Your husband has it been had the goods but He signed too late. "


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