Every Wednesday in fifteen in North-Sud Quotidien, a writer contemporary tribute to an author who has scored. Tiburce Koffi, author of''Memory''from a falls, the price Ivoire Francophone African literature in 2009, lends itself to this exercise of admiration by placing a light-hitting but passionate about the work of Virgil, The''Aeneid.''
"It's pure literature. I had a lot of heart strokes. Basically, you fall in love with a text as one falls in love with a woman. As much as we can fall in love with several women-my, it is possible for several texts. Whatever the number of women we have known, there is necessarily one that transcends. There is always a sublime love that which appears a little stronger than others. From this point of view, I think a book like The Aeneid of Virgil. This book was for me a stroke of heart. I found out when I was very young. I was in CM2 or 6th. When I finished reading this book, I cried. The Homeric songs have the same effect on teens that biblical psalms. They have the same powers of seduction and fascination. They will transpose you install in a wonderful world and you are really impressed. This is the story of the Trojan War. How the city was invaded by the Greeks. How they brought the horse at Troy, how did they manage their ruse, how the Trojans got caught in a trap. By engaging the girls, getting drunk, sleeping. At the right middle of the night, the Greeks left the horse and burned the town. Thus they have held Troy. The hero, Ene, amid the flames took his father on his back and leaves town. These are images that I found very strong. I read it and wept. I will remember how the author made his tying metaphors. He will begin a process with a special tying technique. A style that I kept using his approach for the metaphors and comparisons. What struck me in this book is the story and how to tell it. Only later, when I joined the faculty of Humanities that I understood what the writing process. In fact, it was presented as an alter Homer, that is, a style similar to that of Homer. This was a great poet of the spoken word as he proceeded and the great writers of ancient Africa. When you read''Sundiata, the Manding epic''and Homer are the same techniques of orality. It's when I started to be trained as a technician letters, I understood better what style close griots. The song is exalted with the hyperbole and bombast, the most surprising comparisons, poignant images. Ultimately, I would say that they are not sentences, they are worms with musicality. They are artists of language. Great poets of orality. Found here at Wilbur Stone, Therese Allah, Djibril Tamsir Niane .... "
"It's pure literature. I had a lot of heart strokes. Basically, you fall in love with a text as one falls in love with a woman. As much as we can fall in love with several women-my, it is possible for several texts. Whatever the number of women we have known, there is necessarily one that transcends. There is always a sublime love that which appears a little stronger than others. From this point of view, I think a book like The Aeneid of Virgil. This book was for me a stroke of heart. I found out when I was very young. I was in CM2 or 6th. When I finished reading this book, I cried. The Homeric songs have the same effect on teens that biblical psalms. They have the same powers of seduction and fascination. They will transpose you install in a wonderful world and you are really impressed. This is the story of the Trojan War. How the city was invaded by the Greeks. How they brought the horse at Troy, how did they manage their ruse, how the Trojans got caught in a trap. By engaging the girls, getting drunk, sleeping. At the right middle of the night, the Greeks left the horse and burned the town. Thus they have held Troy. The hero, Ene, amid the flames took his father on his back and leaves town. These are images that I found very strong. I read it and wept. I will remember how the author made his tying metaphors. He will begin a process with a special tying technique. A style that I kept using his approach for the metaphors and comparisons. What struck me in this book is the story and how to tell it. Only later, when I joined the faculty of Humanities that I understood what the writing process. In fact, it was presented as an alter Homer, that is, a style similar to that of Homer. This was a great poet of the spoken word as he proceeded and the great writers of ancient Africa. When you read''Sundiata, the Manding epic''and Homer are the same techniques of orality. It's when I started to be trained as a technician letters, I understood better what style close griots. The song is exalted with the hyperbole and bombast, the most surprising comparisons, poignant images. Ultimately, I would say that they are not sentences, they are worms with musicality. They are artists of language. Great poets of orality. Found here at Wilbur Stone, Therese Allah, Djibril Tamsir Niane .... "
Sanou A.
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