Sogeho ...''''fiaaaa. You've probably heard this refrain from Bléhidé Lehéroux Hilaire aka Old Gazeur, which created a buzz on national radio channels. Raised on the music scene, singer zouglou perceives this new success with philosophy. In this interview he talks about the circumstances of the composition of the title as revered.
•''Your Song''SOGEFIHA currently facing a real success. What is its history?
is a fact that I lived with a girl who lived in a city SOGEFIHA. I decided to tell in a song. The chorus, originally, was not''''SOGEFIHA. It''girl''and coconut. I went into the studio and I did the song. One day I found myself with friends in Yopougon. Fast distraction, I began to sing. As I did not want to know the original version, I had to change his tune. What has become "... Sogehoo fiaa. Just for fun. It was another way to interpret this song because I have several versions each of my songs.
• How was the song she found on radio channels?
It was during this movie that people have registered. This is unfortunate because that is piracy. All you hear around town is a pirated version. In something as, woe is good. It makes me additional publicity. I was forced to cancel the registered version to the studio to stick to what people already know. I have
reworked and released on the album that will come next October 18. All the recordings are finished. The album is in the factory. Soon, we will proceed to its official presentation.
• Do you see copyright as commercial radio broadcast
the song?
I know nothing of this. All radio stations play the song. I call it as God's strength. Piracy kills. But, always wanting to harm someone, it saves him some day. In my case, piracy saved me although I do not want it to continue.
• It was first Sicogif (previous album), is now SOGEFIHA. Do you have a particular history with these cities?
Sicogif was what I lived. In the song, I said that up to 45 years some people found themselves with their parents. For that age does not find me, too, in mine, I had to leave. When you feel mature, able to defend themselves (fend), you should know to leave.
• And Sogefia?
•''Your Song''SOGEFIHA currently facing a real success. What is its history?
is a fact that I lived with a girl who lived in a city SOGEFIHA. I decided to tell in a song. The chorus, originally, was not''''SOGEFIHA. It''girl''and coconut. I went into the studio and I did the song. One day I found myself with friends in Yopougon. Fast distraction, I began to sing. As I did not want to know the original version, I had to change his tune. What has become "... Sogehoo fiaa. Just for fun. It was another way to interpret this song because I have several versions each of my songs.
• How was the song she found on radio channels?
It was during this movie that people have registered. This is unfortunate because that is piracy. All you hear around town is a pirated version. In something as, woe is good. It makes me additional publicity. I was forced to cancel the registered version to the studio to stick to what people already know. I have
reworked and released on the album that will come next October 18. All the recordings are finished. The album is in the factory. Soon, we will proceed to its official presentation.
• Do you see copyright as commercial radio broadcast
the song?
I know nothing of this. All radio stations play the song. I call it as God's strength. Piracy kills. But, always wanting to harm someone, it saves him some day. In my case, piracy saved me although I do not want it to continue.
• It was first Sicogif (previous album), is now SOGEFIHA. Do you have a particular history with these cities?
Sicogif was what I lived. In the song, I said that up to 45 years some people found themselves with their parents. For that age does not find me, too, in mine, I had to leave. When you feel mature, able to defend themselves (fend), you should know to leave.
• And Sogefia?
It's just a fact that happened to me. Coincidentally, the girl in question came from a city SOGEFIHA.
• How are you able to be as creative?
By nature I am a person who gets angry easily. Thus, I exchange with everyone. Whatever the social level. It is this circle that I draw my main inspiration. The illiterate has a different way of seeing and telling things that the intellectual and vice versa. But the two explanations will make people laugh. Me as an artist, I try to be
balance between these two worlds. I also think that a good artist is one who knows how to copy, cheat for the better. At this level too, it must be able to add his grain salt. Shaping the thing to his liking. At the Sicogif, we have our way of expressing ourselves among ourselves. We must live among the people to have an inspiration that people love.
• You are an old wolf zouglou. What explains that in terms of releases you fail a lot?
I would say maybe I move like Bob Marley. Because it is his third album that was truly revealed to the public. He who is known worldwide today saw its first and second albums go unnoticed. Also, say it is the luck factor. I recognize that for my first album, I did not take things seriously. I laughed too. I am convinced that it made mistakes when we learn not to do. In
zouglou, we do not single.
• Why?
In any case, Old Gazeur me I'm not ready to make a single. If I have to sing it at least twelve or fourteen tracks. These are songs that people will listen to analyze texts. Singing for me is to make an introduction, body and conclusion. A true exercise in reflection. Also, will he ensure that the text in harmony with some music and tone. Everyone should be able to sing my songs.
• What is the title of your latest album and what should we expect?
The song is SOGEFIHA. It's already started. We must give people what they like. I unmarked this version of the song. God wanted to question me. Therefore, it has allowed people record my singing tour. With this song, they call me around the world (Canada, Brazil, France, USA ...), countries which I do not expect me to ask when I'll do a show.
• How many titles?
Twelve tracks. There are titles like Ziguéhi, in which I pay tribute to the big guys (strong men). These masses of people who, basically, have a tender heart. I speak of myself in a song in my time:''The time''Old Gazeur. In this song, I say that every time his men, each man his age. The worst enemy of man is time. Always seize the opportunities when they present themselves to you. But it does not take too
hurry. Everyone must be able wait his turn. However, do not sit and do nothing.
• you were two flights. Where is your comrade Posso?
He has another vision. We are always together. Before I entered the studio, I told him about it. He accompanied me to the recordings and helped me write some songs and correct certain texts. He also did the vocals.
• What do you think of the return of young singers zouglou original?
For me, life boils down to the shape and movement of the earth. The earth is round and turns on itself. It's the same cycle that follows the life. In 1950, people had a way of dressing that came back today. Everything revolves. Zouglou Gross was born and that young people do return to the source
• In sum, what to do before a girl SOGEFIHA?
Use my cure. Trying to drown a fish in its waters.
it works always.
Interview by Sanou A.
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