Monday, October 18, 2010

Rectangle Tablecloth For Round Table

Conference on Contemporary Art: Artists and critics cross swords

"The role of contemporary art in Africa and the world: the role of local structures. This theme met last Tuesday, artists, art critics and art professionals at the Charles Donwahi, the Deux Plateaux. A heated debate has allowed those other ones and have a clear idea of the role each must play for the emergence of a truly national art and African.

define the outline of a polysemic term understood and interpreted differently by the creators. Contemporary art. That's what it is. It was not easy to elucidate the Tuesday in the Charles Donwahi to Cocody Deux Plateaux. According to Webster's is contemporary which is the same time, which is our time. Contemporary art, so to speak, is apprehended as a whole works of an era and a place.

Contemporary art by artists and professionals

Professor Yacouba Konate, gallery and art critic, president of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA), noted the subjective nature of the concept. For him, it is the size of a work which it is contemporary or not. That is to say what they watch and how to show it. "Often, just a staging for a work that is traditional or contemporary. There is the side of the stage design. What matters is not the convenient nature of the thing, but it the ability to go as far as possible with his own creative power, "he said. In sum, a freedom given to artists who can combine sculpture, paintings, photos, videos or what they want. In the same vein, Simon Njami, curator and art critic international special guest, instead of defining contemporary art, and focused instead on a contemporary artist says. "A contemporary artist is one with whom I can have a drink after exposure," he simplified. But, he asked, how is it that something is being done today is it Contemporary? At this level, he thinks that the sensitivity which emerges to face such a work, will play for many. "There may be people who were born the same year as me. Which are the same age as me, but that I do not contemporaries. Beyond semantics, the contemporary is something that speaks to me. This can be a sculpture, painting or installation, "he clarified. Clearly, that recognizes that? Who does what? How should he enter the mold to be recognized as a contemporary designer? At this level, the answer may seem arbitrary, however, is clear. "There is no objectivity in my choices, "said Mr. Njami. He said the special collections is that each commissioner is free to look for works that he feels. "There are many ways of seeing. There is not one that is better than the other. Often we do like that sound. This is not because something makes noise it is better than others, "he said. Hence the role that should have structures to promote the art. "We need people here know what is happening here. Doing so would be a good fight. Because it is much better armed if we define ourselves as if we were defined by someone else. "

A museum of contemporary art

The issue of building a museum of contemporary art, however, returned. For the director of the Rotunda of Contemporary Arts, Yacouba Konate, a museum or institution of another shape may be a memory for our children. Because he was convinced, he must furnish mental space of our personalities that made the heyday of the art home. In the sense that an artist does not only by what he does. But also by his status. "The Ivorians must be ashamed that there is no incentive structures in place. Without support, we can not organize anything. In art, we are not recent, has pestered Augustine Kassi artist. He denounced the inertia of the ministry. Making his contribution, Eric Agnéro journalist, said that the issue of aid to art remains on hold because those who run state agencies, responsible for the promotion of art, have not been educated in the sense . "A minister or a leader who has spent his life without seeing a show, without drawing at school, can not appreciate a work of art" he thinks. For him, it must bring art into the habits of the people: "Art is trade. As such, the creation of a socio-political framework conducive to business should be put in place. " A tax exemption for purchases of works of art would be a contribution to the promotion of local creations and an element of attraction for foreign buyers, he said.

Sanou A.


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